Rabhtech SEO

Keyword Research Factors For Google Ranking in 2023

1) Use a Smart Strategy

      • use specific keywords don’t use too broad a keyword

      • avoid keywords that have too much competition

      • use keywords that have good traffic

      • use business-relevant keywords only

      • try to rank multiple keywords at a time

    Rabhtech SEO

    2) Seed Keywords

    Seed keywords mean phrases that are used while doing keywords research

    For example – let us assume we need to rank “Digital Marketing”

    So our Seed keywords can be “Digital Marketing Agency” “Digital Marketing Expert” “Digital Marketing Consultant” “Digital Marketing Course” depending upon your business.

    3) Multiple Keywords Focusing on a Single Idea

    Use multiple keywords which focus on a single idea

    For example, for online shoe stores words should be “Online shoes” Online Sports Shoes” “Online best shoes” “shoes for sale” ” shoes for Men” Shoes for Women” etc.

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